
在您下载、安装或使用羊驼PTE APP产品及任何随附的文档(如有),包括提供给您的更新或升级版本(依据本协议之外的其他协议提供给您的更新或升级版本除外)(下文统称“羊驼PTE”)之前,请您务必仔细阅读本协议中约定的下述条款。 除非您与湖南羊驼教育科技有限公司(以下简称“公司”)就羊驼PTE的使用另外签署了其他协议,否则您对羊驼PTE的使用受本《羊驼PTE用户服务协议》(以下简称“本协议”)中各项条款的约束。 请您仔细阅读以下条款,在您同意并接受本协议全部条款的前提下,公司将羊驼PTE的合法使用授权授予您。如果您是未成年人,则请您在法定监护人陪同下审阅和判断是否同意本协议,未成年人使用羊驼PTE的行为视为已获得了法定监护人的认可。如果您不同意接受本协议的全部条款,则您无权注册、登录或使用本协议所涉及服务,您下载、安装、使用羊驼PTE等行为,则意味着您将自愿遵守本协议及羊驼PTE的其他有关规则,并完全服从于羊驼PTE的统一管理。 羊驼PTE有权根据业务需要对本协议不定时进行调整,并将调整后的协议公布于公司官网或者羊驼PTE APP中,如果您不同意调整后的本协议的,您应当停止使用羊驼PTE,否则,如果在公司调整本协议并公布后,您继续使用羊驼PTE提供的服务的,则视为您同意遵守调整后的协议。 一、用户的权利与义务 1.用户须通过合法渠道(包括但不限于各大应用市场、羊驼PTE官网)下载、安装并使用羊驼PTE,这是您获得羊驼PTE使用授权的前提。 2.用户一经注册或登录使用羊驼PTE,即视为用户同意公司的客服人员与其进行电话联系。 3.用户在羊驼PTE内享有的服务内容由公司根据实际提供,并有权不时进行增加、删除、修改、或调整,包括但不限于: (1)录音内容 (2)练习内容 (3)用户信息 (4)评论与其他主动产生的数据 4.使用羊驼PTE时产生的通讯流量费用由用户自行承担。 5.用户应妥善保管自己的账号、密码,不得转让、出借、出租、出售或分享予他人使用。否则羊驼PTE有权根据实际情况暂时封停或永久查封此账号,当用户的账号或密码遭到未经授权的使用时,用户应当立即通知羊驼PTE,否则未经授权的使用行为均视为用户本人行为。 6.公司有权随时对羊驼PTE提供的服务内容等进行调整,包括但不限于增加、删除、修改羊驼PTE服务内容,一旦羊驼PTE的服务内容发生增加、删除、修改,羊驼PTE将在相关页面上进行提示;如果用户不同意相关变更和修改,可以取消已经获取的服务并停止使用;如果用户继续使用羊驼PTE提供的服务,则视为用户已经接受全部变更、修改。除非另有明确约定,否则用户使用羊驼PTE内新增的服务内容将同样受本协议各项条款的约束。 7.羊驼PTE内提供的服务分为免费服务和收费服务。对于现阶段免费提供的服务内容,公司有权随时根据公司政策的调整将其变更为收费服务,如果发生该等变更的,公司将提前告知用户,如果用户不同意的,可以停止使用该服务。对于收费的服务内容,公司有权自行确定该等服务的价格并不时调整,调整后的价格将在羊驼PTE平台中进行公示,如果用户不同意调整后的价格的,则用户可以在其原购买的收费服务到期后停止付费购买收费服务。如果用户在公司调整价格并公示后,仍继续购买收费服务的,则视为用户同意该调整后的价格。 8.用户如对付费购买的服务不满意的,有权终止服务。用户需在规定时间内,在客户端自行申请或拨打客服电话(0731-85816616),申请终止服务及退款,退款金额按照客户端公示的退款规则计算,公司有权根据业务发展不时调整退款规则并在端内公示;如果客户端公示的退款规则跟本协议约定不一致的,以客户端公示的为准。其中,购买直播课的用户,仅有权对未开始直播的课程提出退款申请,已经消费的直播课程无法申请退款;购买1对1辅导的用户,需在套餐有效期内对未使用的时长提出退款申请;购买其他付费服务的退款按照平台内公示的规则执行。如果用户在购买付费服务时使用了本协议第一条第8、9款约定的优惠券或折扣等其他优惠方式的,则用户按照本款约定申请退款时,用户无权就该等优惠券或折扣申请退款或补偿。公司有权保留已终止服务的用户的所有使用信息,对用户在使用付费服务期间发生的违反本协议及相关规定的行为,公司仍有权行使本协议规定的权利并追究用户的法律责任。 9.公司不时将对付费服务提供优惠政策或开展优惠活动,该等优惠政策或优惠活动以羊驼PTE平台上的实时信息为准,用户知悉并认可,公司作有权自行决定是否提供优惠政策或开展优惠互动,以及优惠政策或优惠活动的内容、条件和有效期,并不时进行调整或终止。 10.如果用户通过合法方式获得了相关付费服务的优惠券或折扣等其他优惠方式的,则用户知悉并认可,该等优惠券或折扣必须满足一定条件才能使用,以优惠券上的信息提示和优惠券使用说明、或羊驼PTE公示的折扣使用说明为准。优惠券或折扣不兑现(即不直接兑换现金)、不找零(即订单金额不足抵用券金额的,抵用券剩余金额无效)、过期作废;优惠券或折扣仅限同一用户账号使用,严禁出售、转让或共享,如经公司发现存在出售、转让或共享优惠券或折扣等其他优惠方式的,该优惠券或折扣将予以作废处理,且公司有权视情节严重程度予以封号处理,并保留追究相关责任人法律责任的权利。 11.公司禁止以任何形式倒卖、贩售、出租、出借、转让用户账号、优惠券或折扣等其他优惠方式及使用第三方渠道(即非羊驼PTE官方渠道)代充学币的行为,一经查明,公司将采取包括但不限于封号、封禁IP、追究相关责任人法律责任的处理措施。 二、平台管理 羊驼PTE存在专门的审核团队对用户使用羊驼PTE的行为进行监督和审核,用户也可通过举报的方式对使用过程中发现的不良内容进行举报。一旦发现作弊及发布违反羊驼PTE规定的行为,我们将于24小时内对违规用户进行处理。 1.作弊行为与处罚方法 (1)作弊的行为包括但不限于通过非公平不正当途径获取积分、利用系统漏洞获取优惠或做异常使用、违规贩卖优惠券、使用第三方渠道等。对于作弊行为的判断,公司保留最终解释权。 (2)作弊的处罚指向所有通过非正当行为获得的积分、优惠、购买的课程等,作弊所得将被全部扣除。涉嫌作弊行为一经初步确认,涉及该涉嫌作弊行为的所有相关用户的登录账号将被酌情扣分、有限期封禁,情节严重者会被永久封禁,甚至进行刑事追诉。涉嫌作弊内容的发布者在羊驼PTE平台上发布的内容(不论作弊与否)均将被严肃处理,情节严重者将被删除在羊驼PTE平台上发布的全部内容。 2.问答、评论、文档、知识删除原则与处罚方法 (1)在羊驼PTE产品使用期间,公司有权删除不符合法律法规、部门规章、公序良俗的问答、评论、帖子等,以及公司认为跟羊驼PTE产品和服务不相关或者认为不适当、不合理的用户内容,包括但不限于,含有色情、暴力、恐怖内容,具有广告性质,含有反动内容,含有人身攻击内容,含有违背伦理道德内容,具有恶意、无聊和灌水性质,涉及违法犯罪的内容,以及其他违反法律及羊驼PTE平台管理制度的内容。 (2)相应处罚方法 由于问题/原帖被删除而导致的回复、评论删除不单独扣分。 情节严重者,将酌情对其进行加倍扣分、有限期封禁和永久封禁等处罚。 3.对账号的管理原则 (1)您应保证您注册、登录并使用的账号符合中国相关法律法规的规定,符合《互联网用户账号名称管理规定》,符合本协议的各项规定。公司有权对您注册、登录并使用的账号名称、头像和简介等注册信息进行审核,您确保您登录本软件使用的用户账号名称、头像和简介等信息中不得出现违法和不良信息,不存在以虚假信息骗取账号名称注册的情形;您应确保您登录羊驼PTE使用的用户账号名称不得为您冒用关联机构或社会名人注册的账号名称。 (2)如果您以虚假信息骗取账号名称注册,或您的账号头像、简介等注册信息存在违法和不良信息的,公司有权采取通知限期改正、暂停使用、注销登记等措施;如果您冒用关联机构或社会名人注册账号名称的,公司有权注销您的账号,并向互联网信息内容主管部门报告。 (3)凡用户存在作弊行为,发布广告,发布黄色、反动内容,发布不文明内容,抄袭,模仿管理人员ID,用以假冒管理人员或破坏管理人员形象,模仿或盗用他人ID 个人签名,发布的内容包含有严重影响网友浏览的内容或格式,或者存在其他扰乱羊驼PTE秩序的,或影响羊驼PTE一课正常经营行为的,公司有权删除其相应账号,情节严重者,将酌情封禁对应IP。 (4)羊驼PTE提供账号注销功能,可以在“羊驼PTE”-“我的”-设置-注销羊驼PTE账号中实现。注销账号之后此账号内的数据无法恢复,包括但不限于账户内的资产信息如学币、帮帮币、优惠券等;账号信息内容也将全部清除,包含但不限于该账号发布过的文章、评论等。注销行为操作后无法撤销,请用户谨慎申请。 4.投诉、举报制度 如果您认为羊驼PTE中的提问、回答、帖子、发言或其他信息、资料、内容等存在违反法律法规及羊驼PTE平台相关管理规定的,涉嫌侮辱或者诽谤他人,或者侵犯您或第三方的商标权、著作权或其他合法权利情形的,您可以通过公示渠道进行举报、投诉,公司将在收到您的投诉后将依据中国法律法规和政府规范性文件及羊驼PTE平台管理规定采取措施进行处理,包括但不限于移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接,以及其他公司认为适当的处理方式,情节严重者,公司有权向政府相关部门进行举报。 三、广告及推广 1.公司有权根据其现行有效的政策自行决定,使用羊驼PTE为公司或任何第三方的产品或服务提供广告、推广或任何增值服务,且因该等广告、推广或增值服务而获取的任何收益(如有)均由公司单独享有。 2.公司有权,无需事先向您通知,自行决定更改利用羊驼PTE展示、发布广告或进行推广的形式、模式和范围;您应意识到羊驼PTE上展示给您的内容,包括但不限于羊驼PTE中的广告及推广服务中展示的内容,可能受知识产权的保护。您不得修改、租赁、出租、出借、出售、分发该内容(无论全部还是部分)或根据该内容创作衍生作品,除非公司或内容权利人在相关协议、相关业务规则中特别告知您可以为之。 3.您于羊驼PTE或经由羊驼PTE与广告商进行通讯或商业往来,或参与促销活动,包含相关商品或服务之付款及交付,以及前述交易其他任何相关条款、条件、保证或声明,完全为您与前述广告商之间的行为,公司不承担对广告及广告商进行审查、甄别之义务; 以及公司不对您或广告商,基于羊驼PTE发生的前述通讯、商业往来或交易可能遭受的任何性质的损失或损害承担任何责任。 四、知识产权 1.公司拥有羊驼PTE的所有权,包括其中的知识产权。羊驼PTE受中华人民共和国著作权法的保护,用户不得删除或以其他方式改变羊驼PTE上附带的版权、商标或其他所有权声明或标识。用户不得对羊驼PTE进行反向工程、反向编译或反汇编,不得试图进行任何获得羊驼PTE源代码的访问或行为,不得发行、出租、信息网络传播、翻译羊驼PTE软件。 2.羊驼PTE的用户不能侵犯包括他人的著作权在内的知识产权以及其他权利。一旦由于用户的提问、回答、发言发生法律纠纷,其责任在于用户本人,与羊驼PTE及公司无关。 3.对于用户发表到羊驼PTE上的任何内容,用户同意羊驼PTE在全世界范围内具有免费的、永久性的、不可撤销的、非独家的和完全再许可的权利和许可,以使用、复制、修改、改编、出版、翻译、据以创作衍生作品、传播、表演和展示此等内容(整体或部分),和/或将此等内容编入当前已知的或以后开发的其他任何形式的作品、媒体或技术中。并且,用户许可羊驼PTE公司有权利就任何主体侵权而单独采取法律行动(包括但不限于诉讼、举报、律师函等形式)。 4.羊驼PTE用户的言论侵犯了第三方的著作权或其他权利,第三方提出异议的时候,羊驼PTE有权删除相关的内容,提出异议者和用户之间以和解、调解、仲裁、诉讼等方式解决了争议后,以此为依据,羊驼PTE在得到有关申请后可以恢复被删除的内容。 5.用户从羊驼PTE的服务中获得的信息在没有得到事先许可的情况下,自行或提供给第三方利用复制,发送,传播等手段用于盈利目的时,将追究相关当事人的法律责任。 6.未经本公司事先许可,禁止使用任何机器人、爬虫程序、其他自动设备,或手动程序等来监视或复制羊驼PTE网页或其所包含的任何内容。否则,羊驼PTE有权依法追究法律责任。 7.如果第三方要使用羊驼PTE上的提问、回答或评论的,则需要事先获得相关用户同意后方能使用。 五、不允诺担保、责任有限及免责 1.不允诺担保:羊驼PTE用户提问、回答、发言仅代表用户个人观点,与公司无关,且羊驼PTE不对用户发表的回答或评论的正确性、准确性、真实性进行保证。羊驼PTE为按现状提供,包含瑕疵及缺陷,公司不提供任何其他担保。公司不允诺其他无论是明示的还是默示的保证和担保,包括但不限于对特定目的的适销性和适应性,不侵权,以及任何出自交易过程或商业惯例的保证和条件。从公司或他处获取的任何建议或信息,不论是口头的还是书面的,都不会对公司产生本协议明确约定之外的其他保证和担保。 2.责任有限:适用法律所允许的最大范围内,不论出于何种原因,公司对您的全部责任为您为使用羊驼PTE的产品和服务而向公司支付的费用总额。如果公司免费向您提供了羊驼PTE服务,则公司无义务对您承担任何赔偿责任。任何情况下,公司不对出自本协议或与本协议有关的或与羊驼PTE的运行有关的任何特殊的、偶然的、惩罚性或间接的损害(包括但不限于数据损失、利润损失或营业损失)或采购替代产品承担责任,不论该等责任是基于合同,担保,侵权(包括过失),严格责任或其他,也不论公司是否被事先告知了损失或损害发生的可能性。即使本协议约定的有限补救措施未能实现其根本目的,前述的责任限制依然适用。 3.免责:如因下所列任何原因而造成的用户资料泄露、丢失、被盗用或被篡改等,公司均有权获得免责: (1)任何因政府管制而造成的暂时性关闭等影响网络正常浏览的不可抗力原因; (2)任何计算机系统问题、黑客攻击、计算机病毒侵入或发作的原因; (3)任何因网络安全问题导致的账户或银行卡信息泄露,该风险可能会给用户造成经济损失,用户承诺自行承担向侵权方追究责任及追究责任不能的后果; (4)任何因用户个人原因导致的用户资料泄露、丢失、被盗用或被篡改等; (5)其他不能归责于公司的原因。 六、用户隐私声明 1.公司仅出于向用户提供更优质、更个性化服务的目的收集用户的信息,且,公司重视未成年人的个人信息保护,如您为未成年人,请务必由您的监护人仔细阅读本隐私条款,并在征得监护人同意的前提下使用羊驼PTE或向羊驼PTE提供相关用户信息。 2.在用户使用羊驼PTE的过程中,公司将遵循合法、正当、必要的原则,收集用户使用羊驼PTE的相关信息,包括但不限于: (1)用户注册或登录的账户信息,例如用户注册账户使用的电话号码、姓名或昵称,用户自行填写的班级、学校等; (2)用户上传的信息,例如用户的发帖、评论、分享、用户主动填写的信息或用户与羊驼PTE客服联系时提供的相关信息等; (3)用户使用羊驼PTE过程中产生的信息。公司会根据用户授予的权限,接收并记录用户所使用的设备相关信息,例如设备属性信息、设备位置信息、设备连接信息等; (4)羊驼PTE根据用户授权通过合法方式收集的其他用户信息。 4.公司非常重视用户的信息安全,并尽最大合理努力采取各种合理的物理、电子和管理方面的安全措施来保护用户信息,确保用户信息不会被泄漏、篡改、毁损或丢失,包括但不限于SSL、信息加密存储、数据中心的访问控制、信息访问权限控制等。且,公司不会非法出售、非法向他人提供用户信息;公司不会将用户的该等信息提供给任何第三方,也不会用于任何其他目的和用途,但是以下情形除外,1)经用户事先同意,向第三方披露; 2)根据法律的有关规定,或者行政或司法机构的要求,向第三方或者行政、司法机构披露;3)公司与第三方合作向用户提供羊驼PTE平台的相关服务或其他网络服务,且该等第三方同意承担与公司同等的保护用户隐私的责任;4)其他根据法律、法规或者政策应进行的披露。 七、其他 1.如果羊驼PTE平台上某一子服务附有单独的使用协议的,则该子服务的使用将受该单独使用协议的约束。 2.本协议的签订、生效、履行、争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。 3.有关本协议的争议应通过友好协商解决,如果协商不成,该争议将提交公司所在地有管辖权的法院诉讼解决。 如您有任何疑问或投诉、举报,您可以通过下述方式联系我们。 湖南羊驼教育科技有限公司 地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区辰泰科技园三层 联系电话:0731-85816616

《Yangtuo PTE user service agreement》

After you download, install or use the Yangtuo PTE APP products and any accompanying documents (if any), including provide you update or upgrade version (according to the agreement other than this agreement except offer you update or upgrade version) (hereinafter generally referred to as the "Yangtuo PTE"), before please be sure to carefully read the following terms and conditions agreed upon in this agreement. Unless you have entered into a separate agreement with hunan Yangtuo education technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "company") regarding the use of Yangtuo PTE, your use of Yangtuo PTE is subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Yangtuo PTE user service agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement"). Please read the following terms carefully. The company grants you the legal use license of Yangtuo PTE subject to your agreement and acceptance of all terms of this agreement. If you are a minor, please review and judge whether you agree to this agreement in the company of your legal guardian. The use of Yangtuo PTE by a minor shall be deemed to have been approved by the legal guardian. If you do not agree to accept all the terms of this agreement, you have no right to register, log in or use the services involved in this agreement. If you download, install and use the Yangtuo PTE, you will voluntarily abide by this agreement and other relevant rules of the Yangtuo PTE, and you will be completely subject to the unified management of the Yangtuo PTE. Yangtuo PTE is entitled to this agreement not timing adjustment according to business needs, and will be announced after the adjustment agreement on the company website or Yangtuo PTE APP, if you don't agree with this agreement after the adjustment, you should stop using the Yangtuo PTE, otherwise, if the company adjust to this agreement and after, you continue to use the Yangtuo PTE services, are seen as you agree to abide by the agreement after the adjustment. Ⅰ、Rights and obligations of users 1. Users shall download, install and use Yangtuo PTE through legal channels (including but not limited to major application markets and the official website of Yangtuo PTE), which is the premise for you to obtain the license to use Yangtuo PTE. 2. Once the user registers or logs in to use the Yangtuo PTE, it is deemed that the user agrees to the company's customer service staff to make phone contact with it. 3. The service content enjoyed by users in Yangtuo PTE shall be provided by the company according to the actual situation, and the company shall have the right to add, delete, modify or adjust from time to time, including but not limited to: (1) recording content (2) practice content (3) user information (4) comments and other actively generated data 4. The user shall bear the communication traffic cost when using Yangtuo PTE. 5. Users shall properly keep their accounts and passwords and shall not transfer, lend, rent, sell or share them with others. Otherwise, PTE shall have the right to temporarily suspend or permanently close the account according to the actual situation. When the user's account or password is used without authorization, the user shall immediately notify PTE of Yangtuo. Otherwise, any unauthorized use shall be deemed as the user's own behavior. 6. The company has the right to adjust the service content provided by Yangtuo PTE at any time, including but not limited to adding, deleting and modifying the service content of Yangtuo PTE. Once the service content of Yangtuo PTE is added, deleted or modified, the Yangtuo PTE will prompt on the relevant page; If users do not agree with the relevant changes and modifications, they can cancel the acquired services and stop using them. If the user continues to use the service provided by Yangtuo PTE, the user shall be deemed to have accepted all changes and modifications. Unless otherwise expressly agreed, users' use of the new services provided in the Yangtuo PTE will be subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement. 7. The services provided by Yangtuo PTE are divided into free service and paid service. For the current free service content, the company has the right to change it into a paid service at any time according to the company's policy adjustment. If such change occurs, the company will inform the user in advance. If the user does not agree, the company can stop using the service. For the charged service content, the company has the right to determine the price of such services from time to time, and the adjusted price will be published on the Yangtuo PTE platform. If the user does not agree with the adjusted price, the user can stop paying for the charged service after the original paid service expires. If the user continues to purchase the charged service after the company has adjusted the price and made it public, the user shall be deemed to have agreed to the adjusted price. 8. If the user is not satisfied with the service paid for, he/she shall have the right to terminate the service. The user shall apply for service termination and refund at the client end or call the customer service number (0731-85816616) within the specified time. The refund amount shall be calculated according to the refund rules published by the client end. The company shall have the right to adjust the refund rules from time to time according to the business development and publicize them at the client end. If the refund rules published by the client are inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement, the refund rules published by the client shall prevail. Among them, users who purchase live streaming courses only have the right to apply for refund for courses that have not started live streaming, but cannot apply for refund for live streaming courses that have already been consumed. Users who purchase one-to-one tutoring shall apply for refund for the unused time within the validity period of the package. Refund for purchase of other paid services shall be subject to the rules published in the platform. If user USES the coupon or discount as specified in article 8 and 9 of this agreement when purchasing the paid service, then user shall not be entitled to apply for a refund or compensation in respect of such coupon or discount when applying for a refund in accordance with this agreement. The company shall have the right to retain all information of users who have terminated the service. The company shall still have the right to exercise the rights stipulated in this agreement and hold the user liable for any violation of this agreement and relevant provisions by the user during the period of using the paid service. 9. The company will provide preferential policies for paid services from time to time or preferential activities, such as the preferential policies or preferential activities to Yangtuo PTE real-time information on the platform, user knowledge and recognition, the company shall have the right to decide whether to provide preferential policies or to carry out the preferential interaction, as well as preferential policies or discount activity, conditions, and the content of the validity, do not adjust or terminate. 10. If the user through a legal way to get the relevant coupon or discount of paid services, and other preferential way, the user knowledge and recognition, such a coupon or discount must meet certain conditions to use, to the message on the coupons and coupon instructions, or Yangtuo PTE fair show discount instructions shall prevail. Coupons or discounts are not cashed (i.e., not directly converted into cash), not given change (i.e., if the order amount is less than the coupon amount, the remaining amount of the coupon is invalid), or become invalid after expiration; A coupon or discount only using the same user account, it is forbidden to sell, transfer or share, such as by the company found to sell, transfer or share a coupon or discount and other preferential way, the coupon or discount will be scrapped processing, and the company shall have the right to inspect if the circumstances are serious degree titles processing, and reserve the right to pursue relevant legal responsibility. 11. Company is prohibited in any form to resell, sell, lease, lend, transfer user accounts, coupons or discounts and other special way and use third party channels (i.e., the Yangtuo PTE official channels) generation learn c behavior, once identified, the company will adopt including but not limited to, titles, banned IP, shall be investigated for legal responsibility of relevant treatment measures. Ⅱ、Platform management Yangtuo PTE has a special audit team to supervise and audit users' use of Yangtuo PTE. Users can also report the bad content found in the process of use by way of reporting. We will deal with the offending users within 24 hours if cheating is found and the Posting is in violation of the Yangtuo PTE regulations. 1. Cheating behavior and punishment methods (1) cheating includes but is not limited to obtaining points through unfair and unfair ways, obtaining discounts or making abnormal use by taking advantage of system loopholes, illegally selling coupons and using third-party channels. The company reserves the right to interpret the judgment of cheating. (2) the penalty for cheating refers to all points, discounts and purchased courses obtained through improper behaviors, and all the earnings from cheating will be deducted. Once the suspected cheating behavior is preliminarily confirmed, the login accounts of all relevant users involved in the suspected cheating behavior will be deducted points according to the circumstances and banned within a certain period of time. In serious cases, the login accounts will be permanently banned or even subject to criminal prosecution. Any content posted on the Yangtuo PTE platform by the suspected publisher (cheating or not) will be dealt with seriously, and in serious cases, all content posted on the Yangtuo PTE platform will be deleted. 2. Questions and answers, comments, documents, knowledge deletion principles and punishment methods (1) the Yangtuo PTE during the use of this product, the company shall have the right to delete is not in conformity with the laws and regulations, administrative rules, the disgraceful consideration question, comment, post, etc., as well as the company considers with Yangtuo PTE not related products and services, or that is not appropriate, the unreasonable user content, including but not limited to, the content contain pornographic, violence and terror, have the nature of advertising, contain obscene content, contains personal attacks contents, contain violate ethical content, have some malicious, boring, and nature, involving the content of the illegal crime, and the other in violation of the law and Yangtuo PTE platform management system of the content. (2) corresponding punishment methods The deletion of replies and comments due to the deletion of the question/original post will not be penalized. If the circumstances are serious, the offender shall be penalized with double demerit points, a time-limit ban or a permanent ban. 3. Principles of account management (1) you shall ensure that the account you have registered, logged in and used complies with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations of China, the provisions on the administration of Internet user account names, and the provisions of this agreement. The company has the right to review the registration information such as the account name, avatar and profile you have registered, logged in and used. You can ensure that no illegal or undesirable information can be found in the user account name, avatar and profile you have logged in and used in this software, and there is no case of fraudulent account name registration with false information. You should make sure that the user account name you use to log into Yangtuo PTE does not falsely use the account name registered by affiliated organizations or social celebrities for you. (2) if you use false information to defraud the account name registration, or your account profile picture, profile or other registration information is illegal or bad information, the company has the right to take notice of a deadline to correct, suspend the use, cancel the registration and other measures; If you falsely use the account name registered by an affiliated institution or a social celebrity, the company shall have the right to cancel your account and report to the Internet information content department. (3) if the user is cheating, advertisement, issued a yellow, reactionary, uncivilized content, copy, copy ID management personnel, to counterfeit management or damage management image, imitate or ID theft others personal signature, publishing content contains a serious impact on Internet users browse the content or format, or there are other disturbing the order of sheep camel PTE, or affect the Yangtuo PTE normal behavior of a class, the company has the right to delete the corresponding account, if the circumstances are serious, the corresponding IP will be banned at its discretion. (4) Yangtuo PTE provides account logout function, which can be realized in "Yangtuo PTE" - "my" - setting - logout of Yangtuo PTE account. After the account is cancelled, the data in the account cannot be recovered, including but not limited to the asset information in the account, such as student currency, coin, coupon, etc.; The information content of the account will be removed completely, including but not limited to articles and comments published by the account. The cancellation cannot be cancelled after the operation. Please apply cautiously. 4. Complaint and report system If you think that Yangtuo of PTE, question and answer, post, speakers and other information and data, the content is in violation of laws and regulations and Yangtuo PTE related regulations in the platform, alleged insult or slander others, or you or a third party infringement trademark rights, Copyrights, or other legal rights, you can report through public channels, complaints, the company will be in after receiving your complaint will be based on Chinese laws and regulations and government regulatory documents and Yangtuo PTE platform management regulation measures for processing, including but not limited to remove related content or shielding links, and others think that the proper way to handle it, If the circumstances are serious, the company has the right to report to the relevant government departments. Ⅲ、Advertising and promotion 1. The company reserves the right to use the Yangtuo PTE to advertise, promote or provide any value-added services for the company or any third party's products or services at its sole discretion in accordance with its policies in force, and any benefits (if any) derived from such advertising, promotion or value-added services shall be solely enjoyed by the company. 2. The company reserves the right, without prior notice to you, to change the form, mode and scope of using Yangtuo PTE to display, advertise or promote; You should be aware that the content displayed to you on the Yangtuo PTE, including but not limited to the content displayed in the Yangtuo PTE's advertisements and promotional services, may be protected by intellectual property rights. You may not modify, lease, rent, lend, sell, distribute, or create derivative works based on the content, whether in whole or in part, unless you are specifically advised by the company or the content owner in the relevant agreement or in the relevant business rules to do so. 3. You in Yangtuo PTE or via the Yangtuo PTE or business of communication with advertisers, or participate in promotional activities, include the payment and delivery of related goods or services, and the transaction of any other terms, conditions, warranties or statements, completely behavior between the advertisers and for you, the company does not undertake to review advertising and advertisers, screening obligations; And the company shall not be liable to you or the advertiser for any loss or damage of any nature which may be suffered by you or the advertiser in connection with the foregoing communications, business dealings or transactions based on the Yangtuo PTE. Ⅳ、Intellectual property rights 1. The company owns the ownership of Yangtuo PTE, including the intellectual property rights thereof. PTE of Yangtuo is protected by the copyright law of the People's Republic of China. Users shall not delete or otherwise change the copyright, trademark or other ownership notice or logo attached to PTE of Yangtuo. The user shall not reverse engineer, reverse compile or disassemble the Yangtuo PTE, shall not attempt any access or behavior to obtain the source code of the Yangtuo PTE, shall not distribute, rent, disseminate information on the network, or translate the Yangtuo PTE software. 2. Users of Yangtuo PTE shall not infringe upon intellectual property rights and other rights, including the copyright of others. In case of any legal dispute arising from the user's question, answer or speech, the responsibility lies with the user and has nothing to do with the Yangtuo PTE or the company. 3. Published for the users to the Yangtuo PTE on any content, the user agrees to Yangtuo PTE worldwide with free, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive and completely and licensing of rights and permission, in order to use, copy, modify, adapt, publish, translation, which create derivative works, transmission, performance, and display such content (whole or part), and/or will these content into the current known or later developed, the media, or any other form of works technology. In addition, the user licenses that Yangtuo PTE company has the right to take legal action (including but not limited to litigation, report, lawyer's letter, etc.) in case of infringement by any subject. 4. Yangtuo PTE user comments violate copyright or other rights of a third party, the third party objection, Yangtuo PTE shall have the right to delete the related content, proposed the dissidents and between users in reconciliation, mediation, arbitration and litigation way to solve the dispute, on this basis, the Yangtuo PTE can restore the deleted after get the application content. 5. If the user obtains information from the Yangtuo PTE service without prior permission and provides it to a third party by himself or by means of reproduction, transmission and dissemination for profit purposes, the relevant party shall be held liable. 6. Without the prior permission of the company, it is prohibited to use any robot, crawler, other automatic equipment, or manual program to monitor or copy the Yangtuo PTE web page or any content contained therein. Otherwise, the Yangtuo PTE has the right to pursue legal responsibility according to law. 7. If a third party wants to use the questions, answers or comments on the Yangtuo PTE, it shall obtain the prior consent of the relevant user before it can be used. Ⅴ、No guarantee, limited liability and disclaimer 1. No warranty: the questions, answers and speeches of Yangtuo PTE users only represent the user's personal views and have nothing to do with the company, and Yangtuo PTE does not guarantee the correctness, accuracy and authenticity of the answers or comments made by users. The Yangtuo PTE is provided as is, including defects and defects, and the company does not provide any other warranty. The company does not make any other warranty or warranty, whether express or implied, including but not limited to merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or any warranty or condition derived from the transaction process or business practice. Any advice or information received from the company or elsewhere, whether oral or written, will not give rise to any warranty or warranty other than those expressly set forth in this agreement. 2. Limited liability: to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the company's total liability to you, for whatever reason, is the total amount of money you paid to the company for the use of Yangtuo PTE's products and services. If the company provides you with the Yangtuo PTE service free of charge, the company shall not be liable to you for any compensation. In any case, the company not by this agreement or in connection with this agreement or in connection with the operation of the sheep camel PTE any special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages (including but not limited to loss of data, loss of profit or loss of business) or purchase substitute products bear the responsibility, whether such liability is based on contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or other, no matter whether the company had been told the possibility of loss or damage occurred. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply even if the limited remedies set forth herein fail to serve their fundamental purpose. 3. Disclaimer: if the user information is disclosed, lost, stolen or tampered with due to any of the reasons listed below, the company shall have the right to be exempted from liability: (1) any force majeure reasons that affect normal Internet browsing, such as temporary shutdown caused by government control; (2) the cause of any computer system problem, hacker attack or computer virus invasion or attack; (3) if any account or bank card information is leaked due to network security problems, the risk may cause economic losses to the user. The user promises to bear the consequences of holding the infringing party accountable and failing to hold the user accountable; (4) any user data that is leaked, lost, stolen or tampered with due to personal reasons of the user; (5) other reasons that cannot be attributed to the company. Ⅵ、User privacy statement 1. The company only by providing users with more high-quality, more personalized service for the purpose of collecting user information, and, the company attaches great importance to the personal information protection of minors, as you for minors, please carefully read the terms of this privacy by your guardian, and on the premise of guardian consent to use Yangtuo PTE or to Yangtuo PTE provide user information. 2. In the process of using Yangtuo PTE by users, the company will follow the legal, legitimate and necessary principles to collect relevant information about the use of Yangtuo PTE by users, including but not limited to: (1) user registration or login account information, such as the phone number, name or nickname used in the user's registration account, the class or school the user filled in by himself; (2) information uploaded by users, such as posts, comments, sharing, information actively filled in by users or relevant information provided when users contact the Yangtuo PTE customer service, etc.; (3) information generated during the user's use of Yangtuo PTE. According to the authority granted by the user, the company will receive and record the information related to the device used by the user, such as device property information, device location information, device connection information, etc. (4) other user information collected by Yangtuo PTE through legal means according to user authorization. 4. The company attaches great importance to the user's information security, and the best reasonable efforts to take all kinds of reasonable physical, electronic and security measures to protect user information management, to ensure that the user information will not be leakage, tampered with, is damaged or missing, including but not limited to SSL, information encryption storage, data center of access control, information access control, etc. Moreover, the company will not illegally sell or illegally provide user information to others; The company will not provide such information of the user to any third party, nor will it be used for any other purpose or purpose, except as follows: 1) disclose such information to a third party with the prior consent of the user; 2) to disclose to a third party or an administrative or judicial organ in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law or as required by an administrative or judicial organ; 3) the company cooperates with third parties to provide users with Yangtuo PTE platform related services or other network services, and such third parties agree to assume the same responsibility to protect user privacy as the company; 4) other disclosures that should be made in accordance with laws, regulations or policies. Ⅶ、Other 1. If a sub-service on the PTE platform of Yangtuo is attached with a separate use agreement, the use of the sub-service will be subject to the separate use agreement. 2. Laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to the execution, entry into force, performance and dispute settlement hereof. 3. Any dispute in connection with this agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no agreement can be reached through negotiation, such dispute shall be referred to the court having jurisdiction over the company for settlement. If you have any questions or complaints, you can contact us through the following ways. Hunan Yangtuo education technology co. LTD Address: 3rd floor, chentai science and technology park, yuelu district, changsha city, hunan province Contact number: 0731-85816616